Design and engineering

- comprehensive development of project documentation for the construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing coke, metallurgical and energy enterprises;
- analysis of the current state of production and issuance of recommendations for its improvement and the introduction of new modern technologies;
- development of the technological process and design of installations for the separation, capture, purification, processing and disposal of chemical products of coking;
- development of automated integrated process control systems for coke production;
- assessment of the impact of objects on the environment;
- research and development work;
- author’s supervision over the construction of coke-chemical enterprises;
- providing a wide range of engineering services.
- introduction of new technologies with automated program control;
- introduction of innovative processes for out-of-furnace preparation of coal charge;
- minimize environmental impact;
- introduction of new technologies for capturing and processing chemical products of coal coking;
- creation and implementation of energy-saving technologies for the use of secondary energy resources.
The strategic partnership agreement with leading design companies significantly strengthens the engineering and technical potential of the Group and provides for the joint participation of the parties in tenders for the implementation of turnkey projects as part of a consortium.
Concord Group has established a long-term strategic partnership with the State Enterprise “State Institute for the Design of Coke and Chemical Industry Enterprises” (GP “Giprokoks”, Ukraine).
SE Giprokoks is a state institution and one of the world’s largest design companies in the coke production segment. A third of the world’s coke production is based on the projects and technology of Giprokoks State Enterprise, which gives a huge competitive advantage in the markets of the former USSR, Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa.
In order to increase the internal engineering potential, Concord Group, together with the State Enterprise Giprokoks, created Giprokoks Polska (Poland). Giprokoks Polska plays the role of an internal engineering department, analyzing and correcting the design made by Giprokoks, adapting it to European standards and developing basic solutions for some projects.