Production and supply of technological equipment and materials

Concord Group combines the potential of design and engineering companies.

Creation of a stable relationship between customers, developers, manufacturers and installation organizations allows to reduce the production time and cost of process equipment. Quality monitoring at every stage of the project minimizes installation difficulties and significantly reduces commissioning time.

– development of design documentation,
– placing orders for production,
– technical support of production stages,
– organization of inspection and acceptance of finished products in terms of quality and quantity,
– organization of logistics and delivery to the project site,
– customs support of deliveries,
– installation and adjustment of technological equipment,
– service maintenance,
– repair and supply of spare parts.

  • Machines for maintenance of a coke oven battery, including:
    • coke pushers, rammer loading and pushing machines;
    • top battery service machines, door-removing and coal-loading;
    • coke quenching and coke wagons;
    • coking electric locomotives;
    • mechanisms of coke machines.
  • The main technological equipment of the coke oven battery, including:
    • anchorage of coke ovens;
    • reinforcement laid in masonry;
    • Self-sealing doors, armor, coke oven frames;
    • reversible valves for gas, air and combustion products;
    • automatic and manual gates;
    • tipping mechanism, hydraulic tilting device;
    • fittings for heating furnaces with coke oven and blast furnace gas;
    • gas collectors;
    • irrigation nozzles, sprinklers, steam and water injection valves;
    • hydroficated gas risers;
    • door repair stations;
    • pump and compressor equipment;
    • ventilation and air conditioning equipment;
    • water supply and sewerage equipment;
    • electrotechnical equipment;
    • I&C equipment
  • Coke extinguishing equipment;
  • Auxiliary equipment for coke oven battery;
  • Equipment for receiving and sorting coke;
  • Equipment for chemical workshops of coking plants;
  • Steel structures and tanks;
  • Handling equipment.
  • a network of competent suppliers, long-term business relationships with which guarantee high quality products and significantly reduce delivery times and purchase costs;
  • long-term and trusting relationships with local manufacturers and contractors;
  • Knowledge of local laws, markets, customs regulations and procurement methods, which greatly facilitates the work with suppliers.

Concord Group provides high-quality after-sales and post-warranty service, technical issues, diagnostics and adjustments, as well as repairs of all types of supplied technological equipment and coke machines.

  • commissioning (commissioning of equipment);
  • training of the customer’s personnel to work with the equipment; routine maintenance;
  • consulting on issues arising during operation.